Friday, March 21, 2014

Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate-Chip Cookies

These are show-stoppers! Absolute blue-ribbon.

(Wet)                                          (Dry)
1 c. peanut butter (unsalted)     1 c. white all-purpose flour
4 very ripe bananas (black)      1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 c. apple sauce                     1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla                        
1 c. choc chips                                            
1 c. walnuts

Mix wet ingredients and dry ingredients separately, and then combine together. Spoon onto a baking sheet. (I use an ice cream scoop.) Bake at 375 for 8 minutes, more or less, depending on whether you like them squishy-mushy, soft, or crisp. Serve with a glass of cold almond milk!

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