Monday, March 10, 2014

Movie Review: Speciesism

Directed by Mark Devries.

You can rent this movie for $2.99 on vimeo.
Mark Devries begins to be deeply troubled by the possibility that human beings might be conducting the most horrific holocaust in our history. Today, right now, we lock millions of animals away against their will, in atrocious conditions, and then butcher them and eat them. After visiting cow, pig and chicken farms, and speaking with a number of philosophers and ethics professors, Devries concludes that the only possible way people reconcile the murder and eating of animals is by being Speciest. Speciesm is a prejudice that puts human beings above animals, with no moral or rational reasoning to justify it. It is directly analogous to racism and sexism.

This film lays out the moral fallacies, one by one, of mistreating and killing sentient creatures, and eating a fellow sentient being.

"When I entered the theater to see Mark Devries' film Speciesism:The Movie, I was a speciest. When I came out, I could no longer justify the treatment of animals with any rational arguments because they were all demolished in this brilliant and compelling film. The intellectual debate over speciesism is over." - Michael Shermer, monthly columnist for Scientific American.

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