Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Book Review: No More Bull!

Howard Lyman is a fourth generation cattle rancher who took over his small organic family farm and transformed it into one of the biggest cattle farms in America. This required him to use heavy pesticides to reduce the flies and dope his animals with antibiotics. After getting cancer and being paralyzed from the waist down, he had time to reconsider what he was doing to the land, to his animals, and to the health of Americans. He's now a lobbyist in Washington and speaks tirelessly all over the country, passionately advocating veganism.

No More Bull has the candor of a mad cowboy (which is the title of his first book) and shows you the ugly truth of factory farming, plain and simple.

The second half of the book is a collection of over 100 recipes. If you still think you're sacrificing something by eating vegan, these recipes will finally turn this silly notion on its head. Vegans are actually luxuriating in gustatory rapture, feasting on scores of rich flavors and textures, and enjoying a far more sophisticated repertoire than a typical menu with meat.

This book offers so much hope and inspiration.

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