Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The National Anti-Vivisection Society

Yes, we still do this in America!! We abduct unwanted dogs and cats, lock them up in cages, and experiment on them! Last year, there were over 2000 dogs experimented on in my home state of Massachusetts alone, according to the US Department of Agriculture.

Scientific methods more effective than animal experimentation are now available. Yet the practice still continues due to academic tradition and governmental requirements.

It is so heart breaking, but one thing you can do is join the National Anti-Vivisection Society! and the Humane Society of the United States. Their websites are extremely well organized and make it very easy to stay informed and take action. You'll see so much progress made over the years and be part of the movement to eradicate this unnecessary suffering. This is so hard to face, but please don't turn your back. Be part of the solution. Society has eliminated countless inhumane behaviors of the past, and we can work together to eliminate one more.

Click here for a recent victories!

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