Monday, March 17, 2014

For Non-Vegans

If you eat meat and dairy, please watch this movie. You'll see that vegans are not fringe, bushy-under-the-arms, self-righteous worry-warts. Well, some of us may be, but we're just people who know what you'll know after seeing this movie. That's the only difference. A year ago, I had no idea that the animal I was eating was miserable before being slaughtered and packaged up for my plate. I absolutely had no idea. I simply never thought about the fact that this animal had feelings and suffered. Absolutely incredible. I ate chicken for breakfast!

1 comment:

  1. Dairy cows who are routinely separated from their babies cry all night in mourning. It was in a MA newspaper recently that the neighbors were disturbed to hear the distressing moans until they were told not to worry, it is just a "normal part of the process." How truly sad, sad, sad for those poor, dear animals. They are gentle giants, vegans themselves!
