Monday, March 17, 2014

Cognative Dissonence

Cognitive Dissonance is emotional conflict caused by believing two things are true that are opposites. If a child is abused, for example, he might believe that his parents are bad, but also that his parents are good. This creates deep stress.

If you eat pork, the following photos will create cognitive dissonance because they're all true.

A piglet, very curious.

A piglet, ready to play.

A piglet being castrated and having his tail cut off
without anesthesia
("standard farming practice" in the U.S.)

A piglet having his teeth cut out from his gums
without anesthesia
("standard farming practice" in the U.S.)

Piglets playing.

Pigs in gestation crates. They will spend 2 1/2 years locked up
in these crates without being able to move or turn around.
("standard farming practice" in the U.S.)

A mother pig after being rescued from abuse
on a farm, blissing with her babies.

Pigs on their way to slaughter.
Ask any farmer, and she or he will tell you,
pigs know what's coming.

A pig is shot with a bolt gun and then slashed across the throat.
After this is done to him, he thrashes and screams
more than any other animal.

This looks like just meat, but it is actually the remains of
a confined, tortured, and terrified animal.

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